The million dollar question! I really get peeved when asked this question especially when it comes with that look and disbelieving exclamation " You mean you really don't believe there is god? You crazy or something? Not forgetting that very annoying question "what happened to make you not believe in god? Why do people assume that something terrible must have happened for you to have lost "faith" .
Well, the news is there was no big bang that left me gasping for faith. It just happened that i am not convinced that there is a god designing our destinies, taking care of our needs, waiting for us to ask him so he shall give. I don't believe there is an omnipotent , omniscience , all knowing being watching from high above and why not down below anyway? I guess we don't like the idea of stepping on god? Well, high above sounds better, afterall heaven looks so impenetrable but with space shuttles, it doesn't look so impenetrable anymore.
Anyway, it is my humble believe that man made god not the other way round, However, i have also realised that there are as many gods as there are religions and people. People tend to create god that suits them and their particular situation consciously or unconsciously. No big deal about exercising our imaginations but it becomes a big deal when you judge others base on your own particular god beliefs or want to force your particular belief down the throat of others, even when they do not share your beliefs. And when you try to govern a state base on your brand of religion, that indeed would be doing great injustice to those who do not believe in your religion, and that's not forgetting the children who are force to believe, with fear being the main convincing factor.
Yes, i do not believe in a god, i do not feel i need a religion to feel high, low, solemn, guilty, moral, immoral, good, bad, favoured, blessed etc, I do not have a soul crying to be saved. i just wished people would really appreciate that it is no big deal! LIVE AND LETS LIVE!
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